Thursday, March 1, 2007

HeY uLtImAtE wInNeRs

HeY uLtImAtE wInNeRs~~

HeLlO pEePs!!

iT's AiN hErE...i'Ve NoT rEcEiVe AnY pOst FrOm AnY oNe YeT...iS d ClAsS aWaRe Of WaD's GoInG oN? ok...

Rini, u r voted....class star of 1/2 March! Yeah!!! (i hope everyone's ok wif that...well, we voted for jessica to be the nxt month's class star. so jes, prepare for april coz u'll be class star... ;) yeah...)

i've not receive any votes from u ppl 4 the class new idol.
well..i have abt 11 votes wif me...
i've got:
vanessa again [2x]
rini [1x]
sharlene [2x]
abigail [3x]
beryl (is dat de correct spelling?errr) [3x]

well...we've got a draw...3 and 3. abby &, wad's ur choice? no 1/2 voted sia...pls class...ur vote counts! thks!

i received annoymous adds at friendster from strangers i need to know who. if u r who im talkinng abt, pls leave ur name and something so we noe who u r. bcoz we wont add or atcept any unknown adds

sry! oh yah, if u r a S.A.C. student or ex, i'll have to get the chairman's permission to add u...but other then dat, normally we'll atcept unless u look wierd or sumthing...

written by;
aiin belo
well, its been kindda long we've not psted sumthing and i need to start posting if no one does! (: thk u!
1/2 rocks!!!
(: (: (: (:
behalf of the cheerleaders

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